Breaking Down Dental Visit Safety Post-COVID

Breaking Down Dental Visit Safety Post-COVID

May 18, 2020

We’ve been stuck at home for what feels like years and we all just want to return to some semblance of normal. You might pause to give thought on things that once felt normal, for example, visiting the dentist.

When your dental office re-opens for non-emergency care, how safe will it be? And what will the new normal look like?

Your Dentist Kept You Safe Long Before COVID-19

Even though venturing out of the house may seem daunting, dental offices have always been safe places to get care. Remember, dentists are medical professionals who manage infection control and risk on a daily basis, even in normal times. Your dentist has your best interest at heart, as well as the safety and protection of their office staff.

    COVID-19 notwithstanding, dentists have long been required by law to follow very specific safety protocols to prevent the spread of viruses. These protocols include:

  • Sterilizing equipment
  • Disinfecting surfaces
  • Wearing masks when in close contact with patients
  • In other words, many of the cleaning and disinfection guidelines other businesses are just now coming to terms with were already common practice for your dentist.

Changes to Your Dental Office in the “New Normal”

    That being said, COVID-19 forced us all to step up our game in the infectious disease department. You may see a number of additional safety measures in place the next time you visit the dentist. This may include:

  • More personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by staff
  • A requirement that you wear a mask in the office
  • Reconfiguring the dental office waiting room and clinic spaces to provide physical separation
  • You might be asked to remain in your car until your appointment begins

You can be confident that as your dentist re-opens, he or she is getting a lot of guidance along the way. Many dentists are already training staff and preparing their offices for the day we all finally return.

It is Okay to Ask Questions

This “new normal” may seem overwhelming. But just know that these changes stem from a desire to keep you as safe as possible. If you are still unsure, it’s okay to ask more questions. Your dental health is important. So is your peace of mind. If you want more information about how your dental office is keeping you safe, don’t hesitate to ask staff when you call to schedule your next appointment.

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